This site is aimed primarily at students of the
Junior Certificate Religious Education Exam.
This website presents the syllabus of the Junior Certificate Religious Education exam in an interactive format which will hopefully encourage students to explore it in a 'self-directed' way. The syllabus promotes intellectual religious development, provides a concrete knowledge base and gives students a tangible goal on a par with other disciplines.
The General Aims of this Syllabus are as follows:
The General Aims of this Syllabus are as follows:
- To foster an awareness that the human search for meaning is common to all peoples, of all ages and at all times.
- To explore how this search for meaning has found, and continues to find, expression in religion.
- To identify how understandings of God, religious traditions, and in particular the Christian tradition, have contributed to the culture in which we live, and continue to have an impact on personal lifestyle, interpersonal relationships and relationships between
individuals and their communities and contexts. - To appreciate the richness of religious traditions and to acknowledge the non-religious interpretation of life.
- To contribute to the spiritual and moral development of the student.
Why this site?
This site is intended to share resources that one teacher (me!) has accumulated/adapted to suit the needs of his particular students. If I can adapt it there is nothing stopping other teachers or students accessing this information as, when and how they want to! It will be updated as often as possible and I will always welcome the submission of resources that have worked for others. If students would like clarification or additional explanation of particular topics they can use the contact form on this page to request it... there is no such thing as a stupid question!
Please feel free to share this site, use it as often as you need to & don't hesitate to suggest any improvements on the form below. Thanks!
Please feel free to share this site, use it as often as you need to & don't hesitate to suggest any improvements on the form below. Thanks!
The above button will bring you to a 'Prezi' I created earlier this year of all the Key Concepts on the Junior Certificate course. A Prezi is a fancy new powerpoint format that is more interactive and allows greater exploration of the information. The course is broken down into sections and all the Key Concept powerpoints included can be found on their individual pages above. The navigation of this site may be cumbersome at first, but if you move your mouse to the right of the screen & click on the 'home' icon you can start from the beginning if you get lost! Alternatively you can simply use the 'next' buttons at the bottom of the screen to move through the presentation in sequence. Past Exam Questions On This Topic...
This is a fantastic site for revising past exam questions on various topics within all subjects in the Junior Cert exam. The questions and the Marking Schemes are included. Here are the relevant links to this section on the site...
Do You Know How To Study Effectively?
Unfortunately, most students dont know how to study effectively - and simply reading a book or sitting in front of your copies may keep parents/teachers happy but it does absolutely nothing to increase your intake of information (in fact, this approach is so boring that it is more likely to put you OFF studying!)
The presentation included below sets out the basic reasons why and how you should study - but it is worthless without practice! I include many different types of studying techniques but you will only figure out which one best suits your learning style by trying them out! If it takes 30 days to form a habit it's not too late to start now and give yourself a better chance to be able to recall information in the tests at the end of the year!
The presentation included below sets out the basic reasons why and how you should study - but it is worthless without practice! I include many different types of studying techniques but you will only figure out which one best suits your learning style by trying them out! If it takes 30 days to form a habit it's not too late to start now and give yourself a better chance to be able to recall information in the tests at the end of the year!